Sunday, 25 November 2012

Clan Grant, and the first New Republican romans

H everyone, been a while so trying to get back into painting again, still finding it a struggle but i'm getting there slowly. So once again and as a tribute to my mother, The Grant clan takes to the field, figures as always 10mm Pendraken

The Mc Donalds are next nearlly finished them, and no its not Ronald Mc Donald before someone asks haha
I've also made a start on my Republican Romans Principes, again from Pendraken. so now i know what I want from Santa

While i'm chatting i've just joined The Battlefields Trust, who do great work in trying to preserve our national military historical sites, so looking forward to getting involved in any way i can. Hope you all have a great week.
All the best

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Lost my pal today

Max 1998-2012
Sorry this post has nothing to do with painting or figures, Its for me
Came home from work today to find my best little pal had died, peacefully. I'm completely gutted by this, I'm trying to console myself he had a great life, was never ill, always healthy, and playful, well looked after and well loved by all the family. He was always with me in the house,  near me if i painted or was working. Always purring, and knocking my figures over or pulling the brushes out of the cup. When he was young the house was a fly and spider free zone he made sure of that. For something so small his loss has left a huge hole in my life, he may be gone but he will never be forgotten
R.I.P My friend
Max and me